i) Go to http://bastagol.in/ .
ii) Click on Student .
iii) Click on Create an Account .
iv) Register Yourself and Sign in.
i) Copy Url and Open given Url in Chrome only .
ii) Enter your id and password and sign in.
iii) Attempt the Question.
i) Copy/Click Url and Open given Url in Chrome only.
ii) Enter your id and password and sign in.
iii) Give your test.
iv) Select the option of each question and save .
v) Left side of Home screen shows the Question nomber details-
vi)Each test have limited time and at the end of test would be submited automatically or submit youself.
i) Go to http://bastagol.in/ .
ii) Click on Student login.
iii) Enter your username and password and sign in .
iv) This Option is available only after expired test paper link.
v) Check your nombers.
vi) Click on View AnswerSheet.
i) Open the Application Chrome only
iI) Go to http://bastagol.in/ .
iiI) Click on Student login.
iv) Enter your username and password and sign in.
v) Click on View Answer if wright N/A then you can not check your nomber.
vi) you can check your nomber after expired test paper link from given test dates.